وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّنِ افْتَرَىٰ عَلَى اللَّهِ كَذِبًا أَوْ قَالَ أُوحِيَ إِلَيَّ وَلَمْ يُوحَ إِلَيْهِ شَيْءٌ وَمَنْ قَالَ سَأُنْزِلُ مِثْلَ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ ۗ وَلَوْ تَرَىٰ إِذِ الظَّالِمُونَ فِي غَمَرَاتِ الْمَوْتِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ بَاسِطُو أَيْدِيهِمْ أَخْرِجُوا أَنْفُسَكُمُ ۖ الْيَوْمَ تُجْزَوْنَ عَذَابَ الْهُونِ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَقُولُونَ عَلَى اللَّهِ غَيْرَ الْحَقِّ وَكُنْتُمْ عَنْ آيَاتِهِ تَسْتَكْبِرُونَ
Und wer ist ungerechter, als wer gegen Allah eine Lüge ersinnt oder sagt: "Mir ist (Offenbarung) eingegeben worden", während ihm überhaupt nichts eingegeben worden ist, und wer sagt: "Ich werde hinabsenden, gleich dem, was Allah hinabgesandt hat"? Und wenn du sehen würdest, wie sich die Ungerechten in den Fluten des Todes befinden und die Engel ihre Hände ausstrecken: "Gebt eure Seelen heraus! Heute wird euch mit der schmählichen Strafe vergolten, daß ihr stets über Allah die Unwahrheit gesagt habt und euch gegenüber Seinen Zeichen hochmütig zu verhalten pflegtet".
Und wer ist ungerechter, als wer gegen Gott eine Lüge erdichtet oder sagt: »Mir ist offenbart worden«, während ihm nichts offenbart worden ist, und wer sagt: »Ich werde herabsenden, was dem gleich ist, was Gott herabgesandt hat«? Könntest du nur zuschauen, wenn die Ungerechten sich in den Fluten des Todes befinden und die Engel ihre Hände ausstrecken: »Gebt eure Seelen heraus. Heute wird euch mit der Pein der Schmach vergolten dafür, daß ihr immer wieder gegen Gott etwas anderes als die Wahrheit gesagt und euch gegenüber seinen Zeichen hochmütig verhalten habt«!
Who is more vile than he who slanders God of falsehood, or says: "Revelation came to me," when no such revelation came to him; or one who claims: "I can reveal the like of what has been sent down by God?" If you could see the evil creatures in the agony of death with the angels thrusting forward their hands (saying): "Yield up your souls: This day you will suffer ignominious punishment for uttering lies about God and rejecting His signs with arrogance."
Who is more in wrong than he who fabricates falsehood in attribution to God, or says, "I receive Revelation from God," when nothing has been revealed to him, and he who claims, "I will produce the like of what God has sent down"? If you could but see how it will be when those wrongdoers find themselves in the agonies of death when the angels (appointed to take their souls), stretching forth their hands (say): "Yield up your souls! Today you will be recompensed with the punishment of humiliation for having continuously and persistently spoken about God other than the truth, and in persistent arrogance scorned His Revelations."
Who is more unjust than the person who fabricates a lie in the name of Allâh deliberately or says, `A revelation has been sent to me,´ while nothing has been revealed to him, and the person who says, `I will (also) bring down the like what Allâh has sent down?´ Could you but see the wrongdoers when they are in the agonies of death and when the angels would lay down their hands on them saying, `Give up your souls. This day you shall be given a disgraceful punishment on account of that falsehood which you uttered regarding Allâh wrongfully and (because) you disdained His revelations.´
And who could be more wicked than he who invents a lie about God, 76 or says, "This has been revealed unto me," the while nothing has been revealed to him? - or he who says, "I, too, can bestow from on high the like of what God has bestowed"? 77 If thou couldst but see [how it will be] when these evildoers find themselves in the agonies of death, and the angels stretch forth their hands [and call]: "Give up your souls! Today you shall be requited with the suffering of humiliation for having attributed to God something that is not true, and for having persistently scorned His messages in your arrogance!"
And who is a greater wrong-doer than one who fabricateth a lie against Allah, or saith: a Revelation hath came to me, whereas no Revelation hath come to him in aught, and one who saith: I shall send down the like of that which God hath sent down? Would that thou souldst see what time the wrong-doers are in the pangs of death while the angels are stretching forth their hands saying: yield up your souls; to-day ye will be awarded a torment of ignomity for that which ye have been saying of Allah other than the truth, and against His signs ye were wont to be stiff-necked.
Who is more unjust than one who fabricates lies against Allah or says, “I have received divine inspiration”, whereas he has not been inspired at all - and one who says, “I will now reveal something similar to what Allah has sent down”? And if you see when the unjust are in the throes of death and the angels are with their hands outstretched; (saying) “Surrender your souls; this day you shall be given a disgraceful punishment - the recompense of your fabricating lies against Allah, and your scorning His signs.”
Who is more wicked than he who devises against Allah a lie, or says, "I am inspired," when he has received none at all? And who says, "I can reveal the like of what Allah has revealed"? But did you see when the unjust are in the floods of death, and the angels stretch forth their hands, saying, "Yield up your souls; this day shall you be recompensed with the torment of disgrace, for that you did say against Allah what was not true, and were too proud to hear His signs.
And who (is) more unjust/oppressive than who fabricated on God lies/falsifications, or he said: "Was inspired/transmitted to me." And was not inspired/transmitted to him a thing, and who said: "I will descend equal/alike (to) what God descended". And if you see/understand when the unjust/oppressors (are) in the death`s/lifelessness` intensities/intoxications, and the angels (are) spreading/extending their hands: "Get your selves out, today you are being rewarded/reimbursed the humiliation`s/disgrace`s torture because (of) what you were saying on (about) God other than the truth , and you were from His verses/evidences/signs being arrogant.
Who can be more wicked than the one who invents a lie against Allah, or says: "This was revealed to me," while nothing was revealed to him? Or the one who says: "I can reveal the like of what Allah has revealed?" If you could only see these wrongdoers when they are in the agonies of death and the angels stretch forth their hands saying, "Take out your soul! Today you will be rewarded with a disgraceful punishment for saying falsehood against Allah which you had no right to say and showing arrogance against His revelations!"
And this is a Blessed Book We have revealed, verifying that which is before it, and that thou mayest warn the mother of the towns and those around her. And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they keep a watch over their prayers.
Who are more unjust than those who ascribe lies to God or say that God has sent them revelations when nothing has been sent to them, or those who say that they can also bring down (from heaven) a book like that which God has revealed? Would that you could see the unjust in the agonies of death when the angels will come forward with their hands outstretched to take their souls out of their bodies and say, "This is the day when you will face humiliating torment for the falsehood that you ascribed to God and for your contemptuously disregarding of His revelations."
Who is guilty of more wrong than he who forgeth a lie against Allah, or saith: I am inspired, when he is not inspired in aught; and who saith: I will reveal the like of that which Allah hath revealed? If thou couldst see, when the wrong-doers reach the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out (saying): Deliver up your souls. This day ye are awarded doom of degradation for that ye spake concerning Allah other than the truth, and used to scorn His portents.
And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah, or says: It has been revealed to me; while nothing has been revealed to him, and he who says: I can reveal the like of what Allah has revealed? and if you had seen when the unjust shall be in the agonies of death and the angels shall spread forth their hands: Give up your souls; today shall you be recompensed with an ignominious chastisement because you spoke against Allah other than the truth and (because) you showed pride against His communications.
And who can be more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah, or says: "I have received inspiration," whereas he is not inspired in anything; and who says, "I will reveal the like of what Allah has revealed." And if you could but see when the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) are in the agonies of death, while the angels are stretching forth their hands (saying): "Deliver your souls! This day you shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what you used to utter against Allah other than the truth. And you used to reject His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) with disrespect! "
Who can be more wicked than one who inventeth a lie against Allah, or saith, "I have received inspiration," when he hath received none, or (again) who saith, "I can reveal the like of what Allah hath revealed"? If thou couldst but see how the wicked (do fare) in the flood of confusion at death! - the angels stretch forth their hands, (saying),"Yield up your souls: this day shall ye receive your reward,- a penalty of shame, for that ye used to tell lies against Allah, and scornfully to reject of His signs!"