أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ ۚ وَلَوْ كَانَ مِنْ عِنْدِ غَيْرِ اللَّهِ لَوَجَدُوا فِيهِ اخْتِلَافًا كَثِيرًا
Denken sie denn nicht sorgfältig über den Qur´an nach? Wenn er von jemand anderem wäre als von Allah, würden sie in ihm wahrlich viel Widerspruch finden.
Betrachten sie denn nicht sorgfältig den Koran? Wenn er von einem anderen als Gott wäre, würden sie in ihm viel Widerspruch finden.
Do they not ponder over the Qur´an? Had it been the word of any other but God they would surely have found a good deal of variation in it.
Do they not contemplate the Qur’an (so that they may be convinced that it is from God)? Had it been from any other than God, they would surely have found in it much (incoherence or) inconsistency.
Why do they not ponder over the Qur´ân? Had it been from anyone other than Allâh, they would surely have found a good deal of inconsistency therein.
Will they not, then, try to understand this Qur'an? Had it issued from any but God, they would surely have found in it many an inner contradiction! 97
Ponder then they not on the Qur´an? Were it from other than Allah they would surely find therein many a contradiction.
So do they not ponder about the Qur’an? And had it been from anyone besides Allah, they would certainly find much contradiction in it.
Fight, then, in the way of Allah; impose nothing on anyone else but on thyself (or you are responsible only for thyself), and urge on (or rouse, encourage) the believers. Perchance Allah will restrain the violence of those who disbelieve, for Allah is Mightier, severer in punishment.
So do they not consider The Koran, and if (it) were from at other than God, they would have found in it much difference/disagreement.
Why don't they research the Qur'an? Don't they realize that if it was from someone other than Allah, they would find many discrepancies in it.
And they say: Obedience. But when they go out from thy presence, a party of them plan by night doing otherwise than what thou sayest. And Allah writes down what they plan by night, so turn aside from them and trust in Allah. And Allah is sufficient as having charge of affairs.
Will they not ponder on the Quran? Had it not come from someone other than God, they would have certainly found therein many contradictions.
Will they not then ponder on the Qur´an? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein much incongruity.
Do they not then meditate on the Quran? And if it were from any other than Allah, they would have found in it many a discrepancy.
Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions.
Do they not consider the Qur´an (with care)? Had it been from other Than Allah, they would surely have found therein Much discrepancy.