At-Tatfif - Default in Duty - Die das Maß kürzenden - 83:36 (Sure: 83, Vers: 36)

Sure: 83 Vers: 35Sure: 84 Vers: 1

Original Book

هَلْ ثُوِّبَ الْكُفَّارُ مَا كَانُوا يَفْعَلُونَ


Bubenheim - Elyas

Sind die Ungläubigen nicht doch belohnt worden für das, was sie zu tun pflegten?



Sind die Ungläubigen wohl entlohnt worden für das, was sie zu tun pflegten?


Ahmed Ali

Will not the infidels pay for what they had done?


Ali Ünal

(Now see:) Are the unbelievers being paid for what they used to do?


Amatul Rahman Omar

(Then it shall be said,) `The disbelievers have been duly requitted for (the misdeeds) that they used to do.´



"Are these deniers of the truth being [thus] requited for [aught but] what they were wont to do?"



The infidels have indeed been rewarded for that which they had been doing.


Faridul Haque

Did not the disbelievers get repaid for what they used to do?


Hamid S. Aziz

Are not the disbelievers rewarded for what they did?



Did the disbelievers become rewarded/replaced what they were making/doing ?462



"Have not the unbelievers been fully rewarded for what they used to do?"


Maulana Mohammad Ali

When the heaven bursts asunder,


Muhammad Sarwar

Will not the disbelievers then be duly recompensed for their laughing at the believers?



Are not the disbelievers paid for what they used to do?



Surely the disbelievers are rewarded as they did.


The Noble Koran

Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do?


Yusuf Ali

Will not the Unbelievers have been paid back for what they did?


Sure: 83 Vers: 35Sure: 84 Vers: 1