ثُلَّةٌ مِنَ الْأَوَّلِينَ
Eine Menge von den Früheren,
Eine große Schar von den Früheren,
A crowd of earlier generations
A good many of them are from among the first (to have embraced God’s Religion);
(This group will consist of) a large party from the earlier people (of Islam);
a good many of olden times,
A multitude from the ancients.
A large group from the earlier generations.
A multitude of those of old,
A group from the first/beginners.
Many of them will be from the former
For those on the right hand.
These (people of the right hand) consist of many from the ancient
A multitude of those of old
A numerous company from among the first,
A multitude of those (on the Right Hand) will be from the first generation (who embraced Islam).
A (goodly) number from those of old,