فِي سِدْرٍ مَخْضُودٍ
(Sie sind) unter dornenlosen Sidr-Bäumen
Sie sind unter Zizyphusbäumen ohne Dornen
They will be in (the shade) of thornless lote
Amidst cherry trees laden with fruit,
They shall abide amidst (the land of thornless) Sidrah (- Lote tree, a symbol of bliss);
[They, too, will find themselves] amidst fruitladen lote-trees, 11
Midst lote-trees thornless.
Among thorn-less lote-trees.
Amid thornless Lote-trees,
In bent over/thornless/ripe sedre/a lote tree.
They shall be among the thornless lot trees,
And those on the right hand; how (happy) are those on the right hand!
They will live amid the thornless lot trees
Among thornless lote-trees
Amid thornless lote-trees,
(They will be) among thornless lote-trees,
(They will be) among Lote-trees without thorns,