يَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَانٌ مُخَلَّدُونَ
Unter ihnen gehen ewig junge Knaben umher
Unter ihnen machen ewig junge Knaben die Runde
Youths of never-ending bloom will pass round to them
There will go round them immortal youths,
(Their) young sons will go round about them, who will remain as young as ever,
Immortal youths will wait upon them
There shall go round Unto them youths ever-young.
Surrounded by immortal boys.
Round about them shall serve youths of permanent freshness (immortal or never altering in age),
Immortal/eternal children/boys circle/walk around on them.
and there shall wait on them the eternal youths
Reclining on them, facing each other.
Immortal youths will serve them
There wait on them immortal youths
Round about them shall go youths never altering in age,
They will be served by immortal boys,
Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness),