Al-Ma'idah - The Food - Der Tisch - 5:75 (Sure: 5, Vers: 75)

Sure: 5 Vers: 74Sure: 5 Vers: 76

Original Book

مَا الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ وَأُمُّهُ صِدِّيقَةٌ ۖ كَانَا يَأْكُلَانِ الطَّعَامَ ۗ انْظُرْ كَيْفَ نُبَيِّنُ لَهُمُ الْآيَاتِ ثُمَّ انْظُرْ أَنَّىٰ يُؤْفَكُونَ


Bubenheim - Elyas

Al-Masih, der Sohn Maryams, war doch nur ein Gesandter, vor dem bereits Gesandte vorübergegangen waren. Und seine Mutter war sehr wahrheitsliebend; sie (beide) pflegten Speise zu essen. Schau, wie Wir ihnen die Zeichen klar machen, und schau, wie sie sich abwendig machen lassen!



Christus, der Sohn Marias, ist nichts anderes als ein Gesandter; vor ihm sind etliche Gesandte dahingegangen. Seine Mutter ist eine Wahrhaftige. Beide pflegten, Speise zu essen. Siehe, wie Wir ihnen die Zeichen deutlich machen, und dann siehe, wie sie sich abwenden lassen.


Ahmed Ali

The Christ, son of Mary, was but an apostle, and many apostles had (come and) gone before him; and his mother was a woman of truth. They both ate the (same) food (as men). Behold, how We show men clear signs, and behold, how they wander astray!


Ali Ünal

The Messiah, son of Mary, was but a Messenger; Messengers had passed away before him; and his mother was an upright one wholly devoted to God; both of them ate food (as do all mortals). Look, how We make the truths clear to them, then look how they are turned away from the truth and make false claims!


Amatul Rahman Omar

The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a Messenger, all the Messengers have (like him) passed away before him, his mother was a highly truthful woman. They both used to eat food. See how We explain the arguments for their good, yet see, how they are turned away (from the truth).



The Christ, son of Mary, was but an apostle: all [other] apostles had passed away before him; and his mother was one who never deviated from the truth; and they both ate food [like other mortals]. 89  Behold how clear We make these messages unto them: and then behold how perverted are their minds! 90 



The Masih, son of Maryam, was naught but an apostle; surely there passed away apostles before him and his mother was a saintly woman; both of them were wont to eat food. Behold! how We expound unto them the evidences! Then behold! whither they are deviating!


Faridul Haque

The Messiah, the son of Maryam, is purely a Noble Messenger; many Noble Messengers have passed before him; and his mother is a truthful woman; they both used to eat food; see how We make the signs clear for them, and see how they turn away!


Hamid S. Aziz

Say, "Will you serve, other than Allah, that which can neither hurt you nor profit you?" Allah it is Who is both Hearer and Knower.



The Messiah Mary`s son is not except a messenger, the messengers had past/expired from before Him, and his mother (was) always very truthful, they were (B) eating the food; look/see how We clarify/explain to them the signs/evidences, then look/see where they be turned away .



Christ, the son of Maryam, was no more than a Rasool; many Rasools had already passed away before him. His mother was a truthful woman; they both ate earthly food like other human beings. See how the Revelations are made clear to them to know reality; yet see how they ignore the truth!


Maulana Mohammad Ali

Will they not then turn to Allah and ask His forgiveness? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.


Muhammad Sarwar

Jesus, the son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger before whom there lived many other Messengers. His mother was a truthful woman and both of them ate earthly food. Consider how We explain the evidence (of the Truth) to them and see where they then turn.



The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) had passed away before him. And his mother was a saintly woman. And they both used to eat (earthly) food. See how We make the revelations clear for them, and see how they are turned away!



The Messiah, son of Marium is but a messenger; messengers before him have indeed passed away; and his mother was a truthful woman; they both used to eat food. See how We make the communications clear to them, then behold, how they are turned away.


The Noble Koran

The Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother [Maryam (Mary)] was a Siddiqah [i.e. she believed in the words of Allah and His Books (see Verse 66:12)]. They both used to eat food (as any other human being, while Allah does not eat). Look how We make the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth).


Yusuf Ali

Christ the son of Mary was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!


Sure: 5 Vers: 74Sure: 5 Vers: 76