Al-Ma'idah - The Food - Der Tisch - 5:47 (Sure: 5, Vers: 47)

Sure: 5 Vers: 46Sure: 5 Vers: 48

Original Book

وَلْيَحْكُمْ أَهْلُ الْإِنْجِيلِ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ فِيهِ ۚ وَمَنْ لَمْ يَحْكُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ


Bubenheim - Elyas

Und so sollen die Leute des Evangeliums nach dem walten, was Allah darin herabgesandt hat. Wer nicht nach dem waltet, was Allah (als Offenbarung) herabgesandt hat, das sind die Frevler.



Die Leute des Evangeliums sollen nach dem urteilen, was Gott darin herabgesandt hat. Und diejenigen, die nicht nach dem urteilen, was Gott herabgesandt hat, das sind die Frevler.


Ahmed Ali

Let the people of the Gospel judge by what has been revealed in it by God. And those who do not judge in accordance with what God has revealed are transgressors.


Ali Ünal

(And We commanded:) Let the People of the Gospel judge by what God sent down therein; and whoever does not judge by what God has sent down, those are indeed the transgressors.


Amatul Rahman Omar

And let the followers of the Evangel judge according to what Allâh has revealed therein. And indeed those who do not judge according to what Allâh has revealed it is these who are the real disobedient.



Let, then, the followers of the Gospel judge in accordance with what God has revealed therein: for they who do not judge in the light of what God has bestowed from on high - it is they, they who are truly iniquitous!



And let the people of the Injil judge by that which Allah hath sent down therein; and whosoever judgeth not by that which Allah hath sent down, then those! - they are the transgressors.


Faridul Haque

And the People of Injeel must judge by what Allah has sent down in it; and whoever does not judge according to what is sent down by Allah - it is they who are the sinners.


Hamid S. Aziz

And unto you (Muhammad) have We revealed the Book in truth, verifying what was before it, and preserving it. Judge then between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their lusts (prejudices, fantasies), turning away from what is given to you of the truth. For each of you have We appointed a Law and a traced out Path. Had Allah pleased He would have made you one nation, but that He may try you by that which He has given you. Therefore, vie with one another in virtue. Unto Allah will you all return, and He will then inform you concerning that wherein you dispute.



And the New Testament`s/Bible`s people should judge/rule with what God descended in it, and who does not judge/rule with what God descended, so those, they are the debauchers .



Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge by the Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judge by the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.


Maulana Mohammad Ali

And We sent after them in their footsteps Jesus, son of Mary, verifying that which was before him of the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, and verifying that which was before it of the Torah, and a guidance and an admonition for the dutiful.


Muhammad Sarwar

The followers of the Gospels (the New Testament) must judge according to what God has revealed in it. Those who do not judge by the laws of God are evil doers.



Let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah hath revealed therein. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are evil-livers.



And the followers of the Injeel should have judged by what Allah revealed in it; and whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed, those are they that are the transgressors.


The Noble Koran

Let the people of the Injeel (Gospel) judge by what Allah has revealed therein. And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed (then) such (people) are the Fasiqun (the rebellious i.e. disobedient (of a lesser degree) to Allah.


Yusuf Ali

Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.


Sure: 5 Vers: 46Sure: 5 Vers: 48